Our Upcoming Sample Sale

At Half Past Seven, we want to ensure that our impact on the planet is as thoughtful as the pieces we bring to your table. Sustainability - at every step of our production process - is of the upmost importance.

To that end, each piece in our Mexican glass collection is crafted entirely from recycled glass. Utilizing recycled glass to produce new glass products takes 40% less energy than producing it from new materials. This is energy-saving because crushed glass melts at a lower temperature than the raw materials typically used. Glass products made from recycled glass reduce related air pollution by 20% and related water pollution by 50%. While it’s obvious, it is important to note that creating new glass pieces from recycled glass reduces landfills.

While our quality control processes are tight, we inevitably receive product that is either slightly damaged during shipping or not up to our standards. If a piece doesn’t turn out just right, it inds a place in our Sample Sale. While our production standards are high, we are proud to say that none of our products end up in landfills due to imperfections. 

Thank you for helping us keep our impact on the earth as minimal as possible.

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